Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bad Reading Gone Good?

I went to a psychic fair a few years ago. When I arrived, I walked around trying to get a feel for who I wanted to get a reading from. I choose a reader, got a reading, and left feeling pretty unhappy about my decision.

He really couldn't provide any answers for me, and when he did speak it was in generalities. The messages he had for me were so generic, that the session was borderline insulting to people who are using their spirituality to truly be of service to others. I left thinking that between the admission fee, parking fee, and reading fee; I had just wasted a lot of money.

In the car on the way home I kept thinking, "I could have done a better job than him." I said that to myself so many times, that I started to analyze it. Could I do a better job? Am I *that* gifted? Or am I just a little disappointed in him? Or could I do this? Well, I quickly talked myself out of the idea of giving readings, even though I had been doing them on an amatuer level for years.

Fast forward a few years, and I finally started to build confidence in my skills, talents, and gifts. I enrolled in the Certified Angel Card Reader course, and expect to get my certificate in about three weeks. I still feel like there's a ton I could learn, but now I realize that learning never ends. When you stop learning, you stop growing.

The "bad reading" ended up being, in a sense, a jumping off point for me. When I look back, I wish I would have picked up on that message a little bit sooner, but I also know that I wasn't ready then. And now I am.

In love and light,
Krystal Kay White

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