Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emotional Healing

This week, it seems like I was drawn to discussing how to deal with challenging situations. I didn't really do it on purpose, I just blog about whatever comes to mind. After three posts on that, I felt like I've said all I wanted to say about it for now.

So, needing a blog post for Thursday, I turned to a deck of cards called Magical Unicorns. I haven't looked at them in a while, but I felt I would find inspiration there.

I pulled the "Healer" card, and instantly felt amazed. It's so appropriate, so Divinely inspired. (As if it would have happened any other way. And while I wish I would have thought of it on my own, this is just more proof that I need the Holy Spirit's guidance.) The Healer card says, "You have the power to help and heal others." That power comes through us from the Divine.

Emotional healing is all about having faith and asking for Divine guidance, and living life to be of service to others. Isn't that an awesome way to deal with challenges? What a great reminder this is, and for that I'm grateful.

In love and light, 
Krystal Kay White

1 comment:

  1. This is a great one for me to read today! Love your blog. Please keep it up. :)
